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My soon to be ex taught Game Theory. I sat in the class in the 90's. After 27 years he wants a divorce for a younger women..I cooperated for 2 years in a mediated settlement. He changed the rules in the 11th hour when I was going to be moving across country and took an apartment. Lawyer agreed to only do a mediated settlement. I said no to what he wanted, lawyer quit and I filed for support the next day in support court. He defected and I may be the Grim Trigger...Cancelled apartment, cancelled move and living in the house...Tit for Tat is the game to play...folks only try to get away with something because they think they can...being nice sometimes allows the other person to think they can get away with something, I am a real estate broker and I know with BATNA you only can win if you are willing to walk away from a deal. I think I should follow up with this as a paper as it pertains to humans and relationships...

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